10 Fascinating Facts About Trout
In the world of fly fishing, doing battle with a mighty trout is considered one of the most challenging undertakings in the stream. Indeed, some of the local trout are so tough that even seasoned fishers find themselves quaking in their fly fishing waders in Fraser, CO. Yet, as strategist Sun Tzu famously suggested, to “know thy enemy” is the first step toward victory.
So, with that in mind, here are some fascinating facts about the trout, the king of the American stream.
Fly fishing dates back to 200 A.D.
The first recorded instance of fly fishing dates back to Roman writer Claudius Aelianus, who described the fishers on the river using flies to catch their prey.
Perfect conditions
While trout can withstand a temperature range between 32 and about 70 degrees, they’re most at home in waters that are around 55 to 60 degrees.
Trout are nature’s gluttons
Maybe the reason trout are so notoriously tricky to catch is that they’re rarely fighting on an empty stomach. Some studies suggest that trout spend about 80 percent of their day eating.
Hungry, hungry trout
Trout have been known to take down big prey. Some larger New Zealand trout have even been known to nab the occasional mouse.
Salmon cousin
Salmon and trout are actually in the same family. In fact, in recent years, naturalists have noticed that escaped farm-bred salmon and certain types of trout are breeding with one another.
Trout are super diverse
There is more genetic diversity across the 50-some-odd types of trout than there is across the entire population of Earth. Some species of trout have 42 chromosome pairs. Humans only have 23.
A whole lot of siblings
Pregnant trout can lay as many as 900 eggs per pound of body weight every time they spawn. For the first few years of their life, they’ll just try to survive. Then, around the age of three or four, they’ll start their own spawning. Some trout can go on to live as long as 20 years.
Their vision is phenomenal
Make sure you’re not thrashing around in your fly fishing waders in Fraser, CO, because trout have keen eyesight. They can focus their vision on two different targets simultaneously, and their eyes’ range of motion essentially allows them 360-degree vision.
When they’re first born (and for approximately the first month of their life), baby trout have no scales.
Ride the surface
Most trout are surface feeders, which means they skim the surface for insects. As a result, it’s a good idea to lure in trout using live bait like egg sacs.
Your fly fishing superstore
When it comes time to tackle a stubborn trout, make Winter Park Flyfisher your first stop. We have a massive selection of gear, including everything from rods and flies to fly fishing waders in Fraser, CO. What’s more, our friendly, knowledgeable staff will happily provide you with all the local knowledge you’ll need to bag the prize of your dreams.
As a result, it’s a good idea to learn a bit of etymology to learn how to imitate the enticing, live insects.
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