Categories for Fly Fishing

The Dos and Don’ts of Fly Fishing in Winter

December 5, 2018

You might assume that fly fishing isn’t a winter sport, but it turns out that you can enjoy the majesty of nature and the solitude of the river all year round. However, winter does present some unique challenges for anglers that you’ll want to consider before you venture out. It provides a test of your skills and ability to adapt that can pay off for those who want to improve. But first you’re going to need to gear up at a fly fishing shop in Fraser, CO. That’s where Winter Park Flyfisher comes in to meet all your needs. Here... View Article

Winter Midge Patterns for Winter Fly Fishing in Fraser, CO

November 21, 2018

Are you dreaming of the next fishing season already? Perhaps you sigh as you look out at the snow-covered ground. Don’t despair—midge fishing makes winter fly fishing in Fraser, CO a possibility! The trick is to know what patterns and methods to use for this type of fishing. Use the following FAQ to hit the river this winter and enjoy your favorite pastime year-round. What is a midge? A midge is a member of the order Diptera (flies). They are closely related to houseflies, mosquitoes and blackflies. They are small and delicate, and are extremely common. When you see what... View Article

How to Set Up a Fishing Reel and Fly Rod

October 11, 2018

There are few things more satisfying than pulling up a rod and catching a beautiful, striking fish. Colorado is rich with waterways abundant in fish that are aesthetically pleasing, which makes the Rocky Mountain State one of the world’s premier fishing destinations. Fly fishing is one of the most popular types of fishing in Colorado. Even if you’ve never been fly fishing in the past, you can still try your hand at this exciting, enthralling sport. Visiting a fly shop in Fraser, CO is a great way to learn more about the art of fly fishing. As opposed to conventional... View Article

How Fish Are Affected by Water Temperature

August 21, 2018

On a hot summer afternoon, a dip in a cool pool might feel wonderful. On a cold winter morning, a hot shower might be preferable. In either situation, your body continues to regulate its temperature at roughly 98.6 degrees. The same is not true for fish. As cold­blooded creatures, they take on the temperature of their surroundings. This is an important concept to keep in mind if you’re considering fly fishing in Fraser, CO. Because their bodies adjust to the temperature of the water, fish are greatly affected by fluctuations in this temperature. In fact, the water temperature can alter... View Article

How Water Temperature Can Affect Fishing Tours

August 10, 2018

This summer has been dry, dry, dry. Mother Nature has provided very little moisture for Grand County this season. Our recent step­ down from Stage 2 to Stage 1 fire danger is an improvement, but other risks are still present. For fishing guides in Fraser, CO, one of the top concerns is water temperature. Both the Fraser and Colorado Rivers can hit 65 degrees between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. during the summer. Fishing above this critical temperature stresses fish and wreaks havoc on the ecosystem. How? Here’s what you need to know about water temperatures and how they affect... View Article

Winter Park Flyfisher